
Sunday, August 26, 2018

My speech

Plastic speech
is plastic really that bad?
here my speech on why we should take single-use plastic out of our lives

Humans have been making plastic for tic that is useful for us but is it useful for the planet. Hi, my name is Ramon and I'm here to explain why you should take single-use plastic out of your life.

Ask yourself this “we use single-use plastic to benefit us are we being selfish towards our future ocean and land” we started making plastic about 100 years ago a pretty long time right.

 We all contribute to plastic pollution from plastic straws to plastic hoses.
Take a moment to think about what plastic does to our world oceans, taking away precious lives of aquatic creatures that are under the sea.

Leaving chaos wherever it goes, absorbing toxins and concentrating them together, mistaken for plankton eaten by smaller fish than bigger fish until finally it moves up the food chain to get digested by us you heard right plastic is being eaten by their makers.

Plastic is a huge problem towards ecosystems, air, lands, and water sources.
Plastic is even causing global warming to rise and that's a HUGE.
 For example, plastic bags ate by turtles mistaken for jellyfish, it gets digested going into the turtle's stomach manipulating them to think they are full when really they're not and unfortunately they die of starvation.

want to help reduce plastic?
 Start simply by not using straws, bring your own mugs to coffee stores cafes stop using polystyrene then finally take all single-use plastics out of your life.

 How big of a problem is plastic really?
Corrupting our ecosystem eating away at nutritions turning our rivers, lakes, streams into polluted muck, killing fish birds and animals that drink out of them. Plastic affects our oceans and it will be the end of us.

We need to work together so we can end plastic step by step we can help be single-use plastic free.

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